St George Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

St George Private Hospital specialist Manjunath Siddaiah-Subramanya

Dr Manjunath Siddaiah-Subramanya


Manjunath Subramanya is a General Surgeon with an interest in Oesophago-Gastric and Bariatric surgery. He graduated from Mysore University, South India and undertook surgical training in UK and Australia.


Dr Subramanya trained as a general surgeon in QLD, Australia after his move from UK. He then undertook further sub-speciality training in Upper GI surgery (through national board of upper GI training- ANZGOSA) at Perth (Bilio-pancreatic and Oesophago-Gastric) and Austin, Melbourne (Bariatric and Oesophago-Gastric), including a senior fellowship in Upper GI cancer surgery at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Birmingham, UK (a high-volume European centre over 18 months).


His public appointment is at Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital and works at various private hospitals. He co-ordinates his practice from his rooms at Bankstown, Liverpool and Smithfield.


Manjunath is able treat a wide range of general surgical and upper gastrointestinal problems in adults, both public and private patients, including


  • Oesophageal cancer (special interest)
  • Gastric cancer (special interest)
  • Gastro-Oesophageal reflux disease
  • Hiatus hernias
  • Achalasia and other oesophageal motility disorders (Topic of his fellowship thesis)
  • Barrett’s oesophagus
  • Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy
  • Weight loss surgery (Metabolic surgery)
  • Gallstone / gallbladder disease
  • Abdominal and groin hernias


He offers treatment to all these conditions in a minimally invasive fashion (laparoscopic and endoscopic). In addition, he also performs diagnostic and therapeutic upper GI endoscopies for cancer and motility disorders of the oesophagus and stomach.


He treats his patients with the highest level of care that he expects his family members to be treated by a specialist. He prides himself in supporting the patients in their journey all the way from diagnosis, pre-habilitation, treatment to follow-up, providing them the chance to return to the community at their best. He is thorough, precise, honest and empathetic in his approach to patients’ concerns and pathology. He has a great reputation that he has carried all throughout his training with regards to his communication. He is an active listener with undivided attention and an ability to explain complex surgical management without the usage of medical jargon.

Oesophago-Gastric, pancreatic and bariatric surgery
Hindi, Kannada, Urdu

Consults at :

Also consults at: Oran Park: Complete Health Australia TRN House, Suite 2/03 90 Podium Wy, Oran Park NSW 2570 P: 1300874325, F: 02 8080 8115 Miranda: SMI 1-3/545-549 Kingsway, Miranda NSW 2228 E: P: 02 95253444, F: 02 95253999