When You Leave
Leaving Hospital & Continuing Your Care
Prior to coming into hospital we recommend that you consider how you will manage at home after discharge. You will need to consider how you will manage daily living activities like:
- Meals
- Personal care
- Shopping
- Home care
Please discuss your discharge with your doctor and the pre-admission nurse to assist you in planning your after hospital care and arranging any community-based health and support services, should you require them.
Discharge is on or before 10:00am.
At the time of discharge please ensure that you collect any x-rays, medications or valuables you have secured with the Hospital’s security officers.
It is very important to us that we give all patients an opportunity to provide the hospital with any feedback regarding their hospital stay. Your opinion of your hospital experience is valuable to us. By completing a “Your Impression” Patient Comment Card, you will help us to evaluate how well our service initiatives directly reflected upon your experience. Please take the time to provide us with your feedback, so we can recognise our staff who have provided excellent courteous, competent and compassionate care, improve our care and exceed the expectations of all our patients. If you have any further feedback during your stay or after discharge that you would like to discuss or suggest then please contact your Nursing Unit Manager or the executive team on (02) 9598 5420.